Online Course
Yoga Therapy For The Digestive System Training Course
Dates and time for live streaming sessions (Bangkok time zone):
Each day we will have 4 hours of training: 12.00 pm – 14.00 14.30 – 16.30 Platform: zoom
Dates and time for live streaming sessions (Bangkok time zone):
Each day we will have 4 hours of training: 12.00 pm – 14.00 14.30 – 16.30 Platform: zoom
The whole training will be recorded and available for all participants.
Even the student is not able to be in time for scheduled online sessions he/she can have recorded trainings to do the studies. The lectures will be uploaded at one of our resources with limited access and shared among participants.
We will also create a closed group chat to communicate and share materials and thoughts.
TAYSP is offering a unique educational program “Yoga Therapy of Digestive System”.
The course will take 3 consecutive weekends of 4 hours a day training (might be extended to 4 consecutive weekends if students need more time for the studies).
Structure and functions of all segments of digestive system
Rich has a qualification of doctor majoring in “Medical care”, practicing Yoga Therapist, Su Jok specialist and Reiki Master, leading instructor of Yoga Teacher Training Course where he covers anatomy, body kinesiology, master of body adjustment, herbalist, he creates and supervises a number of detox and yoga therapy programs at The Yoga Shala Phuket over many years.
We are very lucky that Rich will share his unique knowledge and skills with us during the course.
Обожаю этих ребят. Здравствуйте, я преподователь хатхи йоги и йогатерапии. Постоянно учусь в этой сфере. Для личной практики, выбрала аштангу йогу. Столько энергии и знаний по аштанге ,я нигде не получала.Уже 3 года, зимуя на Пхукете, я практикую только у Рича и Сони.Рич обладает мощной энергией, которую передает в полной мере своим студентам,у него самый безопасный аджастмент. Соня очень грамотно отстраивает практи... read moreЗдравствуйте, я преподователь хатхи йоги и йогатерапии. Постоянно учусь в этой сфере. Для личной практики, выбрала аштангу йогу. Столько энергии и знаний по аштанге ,я нигде не получала.Уже 3 года, зимуя на Пхукете, я практикую только у Рича и Сони.Рич обладает мощной энергией, которую передает в полной мере своим студентам,у него самый безопасный аджастмент. Соня очень грамотно отстраивает практику, дает нужные ключи .Каждый год с удовольствием жду мою" зимнюю практику на Пхукете" read less
Отличная школа Когда мы планировали поездку на Пхукет, я искала, где преподают аштангу. Нашла эту школу в интернете, на сайте было актуальное расписание. Мне очень понравились классы, внимательный преподаватель, интенсивные правки, не даёт филонить и ныть. Говорят на русском и английском, так что языкового барьера не было. Суперполезный опыт, когда попадаешь к новому преподавателю, всегда узнаешь что-то новое дл... read moreКогда мы планировали поездку на Пхукет, я искала, где преподают аштангу. Нашла эту школу в интернете, на сайте было актуальное расписание. Мне очень понравились классы, внимательный преподаватель, интенсивные правки, не даёт филонить и ныть. Говорят на русском и английском, так что языкового барьера не было. Суперполезный опыт, когда попадаешь к новому преподавателю, всегда узнаешь что-то новое для себя и вдохновляешься. read less
Преподователи от Бога! Где-то три с половиной года назад когда в моей жизни появилась чёрная полоса не было ни сил ни стимула к жизни, я постоянно задавалась вопросами зачем я живу зачем я пришла в этот мир.... как не странно Бог меня услышал и направил меня! Я начала посяшать Йога занятия но первое время не очень пошло думала это не для меня. В один прекрасный день я зашла на класс Аштанга виньясы йоги с Ричом! После п... read moreГде-то три с половиной года назад когда в моей жизни появилась чёрная полоса не было ни сил ни стимула к жизни, я постоянно задавалась вопросами зачем я живу зачем я пришла в этот мир.... как не странно Бог меня услышал и направил меня! Я начала посяшать Йога занятия но первое время не очень пошло думала это не для меня. В один прекрасный день я зашла на класс Аштанга виньясы йоги с Ричом! После полтора часового динамического занятия мы все легли на шавасану. До сих пор помню какая сильная энергетика была это энергия шла от этого прекрасного преподавателя Рича которую он отдал нам за это время!!! Лежа в шавасане я все решила что это мой путь и я пойду этим путём ! С каждым занятием я чувствовала как меняеться мое тело мой ум, и сколько стараний идёт от моих преподавателей. За эти годы сколько сил они вложили в меня! Для меня Рич и София преподаватели от Бога, судьба их мне подарила. Как они старательно работают с каждым студентом, каждый проведённый класс ими как последний, они до последнего вкладываются. Их цел не просто давать класс а помогать отдавать больше с каждым разом. Благодаря им за эти годы я развивалась как физически так и духовно!Мои преподаватели я вам от души благодарна! read less
This is a long review but the main point is TAYSP provides experienced caring programs that produce results and I would highly recommend them. Their programs are not for someone looking for a fun spa experience but for those serious about changing their lives and getting results. That being said I did meet some amazing people and have an amazing time that changed my life forever. I visited TAYSP f... read moreThis is a long review but the main point is TAYSP provides experienced caring programs that produce results and I would highly recommend them. Their programs are not for someone looking for a fun spa experience but for those serious about changing their lives and getting results. That being said I did meet some amazing people and have an amazing time that changed my life forever. I visited TAYSP for a two month customized program from July 29th- September 27th and it is a program that has changed my life. During the program I lost a total of 16kg, built muscle, improved flexibility and balance. I also lost cravings for meat and processed food in addition to being taken off many medications for asthma and pain. Sophia and Rich are a credit to my success. They were dedicated, passionate and strict helping to push me past my limits. Every level of the program was well thought out and tailored to my individual needs. Traditional Ashtanga Yoga is for people who are serious about changing their lives. I wont sugar coat it, the programs are difficult and sometimes I didnt understand why they asked me to do certain things. In the end I saw that there was a purpose for everything they asked me to do, my health and safety were their greatest concern. They never asked me to do anything beyond my capabilities although they did push me outside of my comfort zone. Some of the procedures were foreign to me like the cleansing routines but I grew to trust that they knew exactly what they were doing to help me reach my goals. I have never met two more caring dedicated individuals, and the they well exceeded my expectations. As yoga instructors they are both knowledgeable and experienced. They knew exactly how to adjust my body to the right positions and provide modifications for postures I couldn't do. They know their students on a personal level and I found that it helped them provide the best instruction. I highly recommend them for anyone interested in yoga at any level. Visited July 2016 read less
My life has been in a major transition and I wasn’t coping well. I decided to go to a yoga retreat with the hopes it would center me, help me move forward and find some peace. I did some research and picked TAYSP. The reviews were very promising, the cost was reasonable and it was located in the tropics. Couldn’t ask for more ……. and I wasn’t disappointed. In fact the experience went way beyond my... read moreMy life has been in a major transition and I wasn’t coping well. I decided to go to a yoga retreat with the hopes it would center me, help me move forward and find some peace. I did some research and picked TAYSP. The reviews were very promising, the cost was reasonable and it was located in the tropics. Couldn’t ask for more ……. and I wasn’t disappointed. In fact the experience went way beyond my expectation (which is saying a lot since I was thinking I was expecting too much and I knew nothing about Ashtanga yoga).
Rich and Sofya are two wonderful human beings. I feel they are very caring and generous with their time and attention. They want the best from and for their students, including learning more than you can imagine. I took the intensive program for 3 weeks, which included challenging the body, mind and spirit. It was a life changing experience. I feel I came out stronger in every possible way. My daily intention was to find peace and I feel my times of peace grew each day. There was so much to learn with little time to listen to the negative chatter in my mind.
I had personal challenges that slowed my progression, but what I gained even with those challenges, wow! My thanks go to everyone in the Shala with special thanks to Rich and Sofya. Since leaving the retreat I’ve been practicing Ashtanga asana on my own and I can hear both of them in my mind (e.g., “open up your chest”, “back straight” “chin down”, “foot flexed”), imagine feeling the adjustments, or imagine seeing their gestures to get me to do the postures correctly. Always brings a smile as I make the appropriate corrections. I am also practicing the other forms of Ashtanga; including, pranayama (my favorite), meditation, and some Kriya. What wonderful gifts they’ve given. They are wonderful teachers. I feel they taught me well! May I continue practicing these gifts through my lifetime. read less