10-17 December 2023

If the program attendance did not enrich you with new knowledge and skills and did not bring to the new level of practice or/and teaching, we will refund in full the course fee without any additional conditions.


This powerful combination of authentic Indian breathwork (Pranayama) and precise Yoga Therapy methods provide most efficient result in terms of bringing the body to its best condition of health and strength and balance the mind using our own internal resources.

During this program Pranayama meets Yoga Therapy in the perfect balance.
Its an absolutely unique course where ancient techniques are explained clearly without any confusions left.
Our mission is to provide you most efficient tools to improve your life in its all aspects, change your world and accumulate the potential to help others.
Do not miss your chance to get incredibly efficient tools for the management of the body and mind as well as for helping others to improve their well-being.

The program includes:

  • 7 training days of Pranayama (breathwork);
  • 5 training days of Yoga Therapy;
  • 44 contact hours of training;
  • Theory and practice;
  • Explanation of anatomy with an emphasis on most essential processes within the body;
  • Therapy aspect and contraindications for the practice;
  • Yoga Therapy for The Spinal Column;
  • Yoga Therapy for neuron communications;
  • Yoga Therapy for The Breathing System;
  • Yoga Therapy for Reproductive System;
  • Rehabilitation sequence of High Intensity Interval Workouts and control of the body weight;
  • Certificate of attendance (optional);
  • 7 nights in a comfortable authentic accommodation with an ocean view (optional);
  • Healthy vegan meals (optional);
  • Amazing location;

According to the opinion of the most outstanding teachers of 20 Century and also according to the opinion of some modern teachers, the practice of yoga starts with Pranayama practice. Asana (posture) practice is meant to prepare a practitioner for extended sessions of Pranayama practice.

The Pranayama module includes detailed clarification of healing effects and influential methods as well as balancing effects and reaching different conditions of body and states of mind.

During Pranayama module we have 20 contact hours of theory and practice where we do special emphasis on anatomy aspect of the practice and where we become very clear about correct performance, benefits, contraindications, influence on systems of the body.

We specifically learn therapy aspect of the practice and get to know what techniques and in what variations could be used to help with healing some ailments such as bronchial asthma, chronic headache, issues of reproductive system, vegetative system, digestive system, cardio vascular system etc.

The following techniques will be learnt and practiced:

  • Kapalabhati;
  • Ujjayi;
  • Uddiyana;
  • Agnisara;
  • Bhastrika;
  • Surya Bhedana;
  • Chandra Bhedana;
  • Brahmari;
  • Sheetali;
  • Shitkari;
  • Moola Shodhana;
  • Nadi Shodhana;
Some techniques we study in different variations with some modifications bringing personal practice to various degree of difficulty.
Apart of anatomy aspect we also study concept of Prana and Pranayama, historical overview of pranayama as a practice, the role of pranayama is yoga system, bandhas, samskaras and influence of subconscious mind, granthis.

Yoga Therapy module

Yoga Therapy module opens a gateway toward independence from medications, internal confidence, ability to help others by spreading the knowledge of methods to support physical and mental health.

During this module of the program we will learn anatomy of the spinal column, specific of structure, functioning, bones, muscles, tendons, interosseal tissues, joints, supporting-motor apparatus.

We will also learn the main and most common causes of issues of the spine.

We will study fundamental Yoga Therapy Sequence that can be used by the healthy people just to prevent issues and support general well-being and can be used by people with health issues as a healing program. This sequence can be used either as main method of healing or additional method of healing as well as rehabilitation method.

We will explore main and most common existing pathologies of the spinal column that are fundamental and primary/initial as a cause for the development of most of pathologies of the spine.

We will learn Yoga Therapy as influential method, as a rehabilitation method and what are contraindications in the yoga practice for the main pathologies. By controlling the development of the main pathologies you prevent development of many disorders of the spine either due to ageing or due to lifestyle, bad habits etc.

In this module we learn and practice Yoga Therapy for the Breathing System Sequence in the tradition of Dhirendra Brahmachari (1924-1994).

Dhirendra Brahmachary is one of the most outstanding yoga teachers and healers of 20 century who was offering a structured and detailed system of yoga therapy. His methods are highly efficient in terms of health support and healing.

This sequence is a main element in designing the yoga therapy program for healing ailments of breathing system including diseases that are known as non-curable by Western medical opinion such as bronchial asthma for example etc.

This practice provides amazing effect of cleansing (for example for smokers) and regenerating of the tissues, increasing the activity of micro circulating channel, pushing the processes of expelling the mucus from lungs, and a lot more.


During this unique training we will have 2 hours of theory and practice where we will do special emphasis on anatomical aspect of the practice and where we become very clear about correct performance, benefits, contraindications, influence on bodily systems.


This influential method that can be used by the healthy people just to prevent issues and support well-being and can be used by people with health issues as a healing program.

We will learn and practice methods of influence:

  1. Breathing exercises
  2. Cleansing techniques

The Sequence of Yoga Therapy for Reproductive System includes a complex of specific physical exercises, breathing exercises as well as relaxation techniques.

Reproductive system disorder is a very much common and determined by number of reasons either created by us or not created by us.

This sequence initiates a reboot of functions of the glands and organs of reproductive system. The efficiency of this program was proved in our practice by numerous cases with positive outcome.

It is very intensive workout which includes fundamental yoga poses and it has an amazing strengthening effect which also helps to build the structure in the body.


Interval Workouts is a unique program which works with four main groups of muscles in a human body.

This practice as a rehabilitation method was developed by one of the greatest Yoga Therapists of 20th century Dhirendra Brahmachary.

Later this method was adjusted by the professionals of Saint Petersburg Institution of Eastern Methods of Rehabilitation.

The current practice proved its efficiency as a best method for improving of muscle functions, of managing the weight at the lipid layers of the body as well as method of the mind control.

Information exchange within our body is done by transmitting of electric impulses and signal molecules.

High quality of information exchange within the body guarantees high quality of assisting/serving all systems and organs in our body.

This sequence helps to strengthen neuron communications within the entire body and in some cases is used as an additional method for healing serious neuron pathologies such as Alzheimer, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy etc. Senior people will benefit the most from this program in terms of controlling the condition often developed with age and diagnosed as ageing dementia.


The program is open for everyone, no prior experience in any yoga practice is required for registration.

People of any age and physical condition will benefit from this program.

Yoga teachers will highly benefit from the course as this training will enrich their teaching approach and will help to assist their students in the best way as well as prepare the bodies of the students for more in-depth asana practice.


*In a case if applicant is diagnosed with non-curable disease it is needed an additional review of the application by leading therapist prior registration.


The course can be taken as residential program which includes accommodation and vegan meals or as non-residential (excluding accommodation and/or meals).


Check in (for residential students): 10 December 2023 after 14.00

17.30 Orientation meeting;

18.30 Dinner (optional);

Day structure (Monday to Sunday 11-17 December 2023)

7.00 am – 10.00 am Practice and Theory;

Please consider short break in between.

10.30 am Breakfast (optional)

(11 December: 14.00-16.00 Lecture;)

13.00 – 14.00 Yoga Therapy theory*;

14.00 – 15.30 Yoga Therapy Practice*;

16.00 – 17.00 Philosophy (optional)*;

17.00 – 18.00 Meditation (optional)*;

18.30 – Dinner (optional)


Check out day (for residential students): 17 December 2023

7.00 am – 10.00 am Practice and Theory;

10.30 am – Breakfast (optional);

Check out before 12.00 pm

*Yoga Therapy trainings, Philosophy, Meditations (12-16 December) start on 12 December 2023

Location: “Sol y Luna”

Camino Cordobés 18 Redisa, 38400 Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

GPS: 28.40680, -16.55450

Website: https://solylunaretreat.com/en/mansion

Fees (non-residential and residential):

Booking early bird before 20 August 2023: 1,800 euro;

Booking from 21 August onwards: 2,250 euro;

Accommodation: 10-17 December 2023

Shared room 4 pax: 210 euros per person;

Shared room 2 pax: 350 euros per person;

Private room with double bed (can be occupied by 2 people): 525 euros per 1 or 2 persons;


Vegan meals:

Breakfast: 10 euros;

Dinner: 15 euros;

  • Early Bird booking
  • 1,800 EUR

Our 100 year old colonial style two-storey villa is located in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife just a ten-minute walk from town center and beach.

We are a peaceful oasis in the middle of a working banana plantation, just far enough from town for peace and quiet, but close enough for convenience and community. The property is perfectly positioned to offer a clear view of the town and the ocean below, and spectacular Mount Teide above.

We can comfortably host up to 12 guests for residential retreats, and even more for daytime events in our large garden, covered patio, spacious interior, and rooftop terrace.



Rich began his Yoga practice with hope for it to aid him in healing injuries sustained from his love to martial arts and extreme sport activities. But he grew to love Yoga as way of life, integrating Yoga philosophy and practical methods in physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels of his life.

At his early age he got qualification of doctor majoring in medical care at Rostov State Medical University of the Federal Agency of Healthcare and Social Development.

His passion to personal development brought him to meet and learn from different teachers in Europe, India, Russia, Kazakhstan and Thailand, over the years he has been exploring asana and pranayama practice, kriyas, meditation, ayurveda, herbal medicine, reiki, su djok, cold water treatment and art of cooking health food.

The practice of Ashtanga Yoga had a huge impact on Rich and within this practice he found himself in his true element. Ashtanga or “eight limbs” brings the body, mind and spirit into alignment for greater health, happiness, gratitude, kindness and spiritual growth. Rich is studying Ashtanga with R. Sharath Jois at Sri K. Pattabhi Jois Institute in Mysore, India which is number one center of Ashtanga in the world. He also got his asana and pranayama training and certification in Rishikesh, India. As a Yoga teacher Rich is affiliated to Yoga Alliance International he is settled in Phuket teaching Ashtanga Yoga, Pranayama, different yoga workshops, anatomy, art of adjustment, yoga therapy, chanting etc.

Initially Rich has started his Yoga Therapy studies at the Saint-Petersburg Institute of Eastern Methods of Rehabilitation at the Faculty of Yoga Therapy and over the years of practice he developed his unique approach to the Yoga Therapy practice.

Rich is famous with strict but also warm and personal approach to the teaching of Yoga. He is talented with a special natural vision of students needs which allows him to guide them in their practice in a right direction to achieve the best result on their path of Yoga.

From the young age Sofya was into studying spiritual traditions which brought her to practice meditation, tai chi, attending Buddhist teachings and retreats and do researches in religious studies. She obtained a BA degree in theology and philosophy and was travelling throughout the world to learn and experience spiritual practices.

In 2005 her searching brought her to work at Jamyang Buddhist Center in London where she first started her Yoga practice. Since then Sofya was practicing Yoga and exploring the methods of yoga visiting different schools and Yoga Ashrams mainly in India. With the time she stuck to traditional Ashtanga Yoga practice and dedicated years for practice and studies in this field.

Sofya is studying under the guidance of R. Sharath Jois at Sri K. Pattabhi Jois Institute in Mysore, India – the place where Ashtanga yoga as a set of asana and pranayama practices was systematised and kept preserved. There in Mysore she was also studying Ayurveda, Sanskrit and ancient yogic texts. She was also trained and certified as Asana and Pranayama teacher in Rishikesh, India. During her yoga journey Sofya had a chance to practice and come across such an outstanding teachers as Matthew Sweeney, Ajay Kumar, Kino McGregor, Balu Thevar, Ian Grysak, Kamal Singh, Sunil Sharma. As a Yoga teacher Sofya is also affiliated to Yoga Alliance International.

Sofya is a certified specialist in Yoga Nidra practice in the tradition of Swami Satyananda Saraswati. She is practicing and leading Yoga Nidra for a number of years and she also runs Yoga Nidra Training Courses.

Sofya is known with her warm and light way of teaching Yoga which creates special atmosphere at her classes. She finds personal contact with every student giving clear verbal instructions and physical adjustments, she keeps them motivated to practice sharing with them her knowledge and experience.

From an early age she began to work on body awareness through conscious
movements, studying ballet and contemporary dance at a dance conservatory in
Caracas, Venezuela, where she later worked as a dance teacher for 3 years.

She always had an innate curiosity towards contemplative practices and somatic experiences, which led her to discover Yoga in 2008. From that meeting, she did not hesitate to continue investigating and completed her first training in classical Hatha yoga and kriya yoga.  In 2010 she begins to give classes to beginners and assist her teachers.

In 2011 she moved to Madrid where after experimenting with various styles, she discovered Ashtanga Yoga and found in this method her ideal practice.  It is in 2018 where, looking to deepen the method and learn more deeply the origins of this practice, she travels to Thailand to train in Yoga Phuket with Rich and Sofia with whom she did 200h TTC in Ashtanga yoga, TTC in Yoga Nidra and Yoga therapy for the spine.

Since 2020 she lives in Tenerife where she teaches Hatha and Ashtanga vinyasa yoga.

Booking conditions:

To book your spot a 25% from total price is required to be prepaid in advance.

The rest of the balance due is paid 1 month before the course starts.

The deposit payment can be done by bank transfer, paypal/credit card at paypal platform, cash, crypto.

Cancellation policy:

The deposit is non-refundable;

If the balance due is fully paid, the 50% of the balance due can be transferred to another course listed at www.taysp.com if informed at least 3 weeks prior “Art of Adjustment Three Weekends course” starts.

For information and booking inquiries please contact us:

Email: bookingtenerife@taysp.com

Email: WhatsApp (Spanish/English): +34658116438

WhatsApp (English): +66806980813WhatsApp (English): +66806980813


Sponsourship option