Online Course

Yoga Therapy For The Digestive System Training Course

Dates and time for live streaming sessions (Bangkok time zone):
Each day we will have 4 hours of training: 12.00 pm – 14.00 14.30 – 16.30 Platform: zoom

20 March 2021
21 March 2021
27 March 2021
28 March 2021
3 April 2021
4 April 2021
200 USD

The whole training will be recorded and available for all participants.
Even the student is not able to be in time for scheduled online sessions he/she can have recorded trainings to do the studies. The lectures will be uploaded at one of our resources with limited access and shared among participants.
We will also create a closed group chat to communicate and share materials and thoughts.


TAYSP is offering a unique educational program “Yoga Therapy of Digestive System”.
The course will take 3 consecutive weekends of 4 hours a day training (might be extended to 4 consecutive weekends if students need more time for the studies).

During the course we will study following:

Structure and functions of all segments of digestive system

  • oral cavity
  • gullet
  • stomach
  • gall-bladder
  • liver
  • pancreas
  • small intestine
  • large intestine
  • sigmoid and rectum
  • metha sympathetic nerve system

1.Unique characteristics

2.Pathologies, causes of occurrence and development of such diseases as:

  • Diabetes Type 1
  • Diabetes Type 2
  • Hepatitis
  • Yellow disease
  • Liver cirrhosis
  • Constipations (types, groups)
  • Hyper secretory gastritis
  •  Chronical gastritis
  • Ulcer
  • Pancreatitis
  • Cholelithiasis
  • Diarrhoea

3. Influential methods for diseases of Digestive System.
Yoga Therapy approach

  • Cleanse
  • Breathing techniques
  • Asana
  • Phytotherapy
  • Preventive treatment, traditional approach

4. Digestive System influence on joints and elasticity of muscles
5. Ayurvedic approach

  • Vata
  • Pitta
  • Kapha

Unique characteristics

  • Activity and rest routine
  • Food
  • Water Fasting
  • Dry Fasting
  • And a lot more

Leading teacher: Rich Nataraja

Rich has a qualification of doctor majoring in “Medical care”, practicing Yoga Therapist, Su Jok specialist and Reiki Master, leading instructor of Yoga Teacher Training Course where he covers anatomy, body kinesiology, master of body adjustment, herbalist, he creates and supervises a number of detox and yoga therapy programs at The Yoga Shala Phuket over many years.
We are very lucky that Rich will share his unique knowledge and skills with us during the course.

Yoga Therapy of Digestive System Training Course
Payment options and cancellation policy:
The course fee is paid in full before the course starts;
The course fee can be transferred by paypal/bank transfer;
All fees are non refundable. A student can transfer from one course to another at least one month before the start of that course to attend another. After this time fees are forfeited.
Registration process:
Write as an email to to inform us about your interest in taking the course;
We will send you the application form, please fill it and send it back to us;
We also recommend to request an interview if you have any questions so we could clarify all details before the course starts.
It is also possible to send us your questions via email above.
Course fee: 200 USD which includes all live sessions and trainings, individual support of the teacher during the study process.