Many ashtangis all over the world have caught a toe at least once. When the skin is peeling back on the big toe it is called Ashtanga toe. It may happen due to intensive jumping back when the force and friction from landing in chaturanga dandasana repeatedly or just from propelling yourself forward while walking barefoot peels the skin off the big toe. But lets try to see the other reasons cause this phenomena named Ashtanga toe as the outside of the body is a reflection of the inside.
And when the skin on the big toe is peeling off it shows usually an imbalance in the body’s pH. When the body gets too acidic, skin can become weakened and tear easier than when the body is in a more alkaline state.
Some Ashtanga practitioners perform intensive daily practice and dont think much about natural supplements they need to take as with a sweat and intensive practice they lose some amount of minerals (apart of toxins). After years of intense Ashtanga practice where one would lose 5 to 10 pounds of sweat in every session, the bones could start to weaken and every tooth in the mouth could be wiggled. If coconut water is available to drink we would highly recommend to consume it daily. The water of the young or green coconut is so well-balanced in electrolytes that it has been used in place of plasma when plasma is in shortage. This “magic” water remineralize the body after profuse sweating. If coconut water is not available its possible to make our own electrolyte: ginger, lemon, organic raw honey and Himalayan salt.
Coming back to the topic, Ashtanga toe. The temporary fix is a band aid, but as always band aids of any type are only short term solutions. The real fix is a dietary change to a more alkaline diet. There is a lot of information in the internet about alkaline diets but the basics are more fruits and vegetables and less grains, dairy and animal protein. In addition to the need for high enzyme, alkalizing foods, good quality fats are essential. Raw oils are by far the most healthful. Coconut is one of the best foods for anyone. The coconut tree was known to ancient yogis as the tree of life. The oil of the mature coconut has numerous healing properties. Also eating more omega 3s like hemp and flax is advisable. Well balanced vegetarian diet is not only the healthiest for the body but also for the planet.
So if you are new to Ashtanga and start experiencing “Ashtanga toe” dont get confused, use the band first and may be check and change your diet.
Keep practicing,