What is Ujjayi Breath?

“Having closed the opening of the Nâdî (Larynx), the air should be drawn in such a way that it goes touching from the throat to the chest, and making noise while passing.”Hatha Yoga Pradipika 2:51 “Ud” is a prefix which means moving upward, “Jaya” means conquest, victory. Therefore, its usually translated as “Victorious”. Also Ujjayi…

10 common habits that can damage your kidneys

The pair of kidneys is located at the back of abdomen and they have a shape of kidney beans. Each kidney contains approximately one million particles called nephrones. These nephrons are responsible for removal of any unwanted toxins from our body. So its really important to know what is damaging our kidneys so we could…

What do we need to know about drishti

“Drishti means gazing point. Drishti improves concentration and brings about a realization of oneness during the practice. With the gaze focused in one place during our practice, we can be more present in the postures. This focus and awareness can carry over into our daily life.” R. Sharath Jois When we keep our attention to…

Ashtanga toe

Many ashtangis all over the world have caught a toe at least once. When the skin is peeling back on the big toe it is called Ashtanga toe. It may happen due to intensive jumping back when the force and friction from landing in chaturanga dandasana repeatedly or just from propelling yourself forward while walking…

Rub the sweat during the practice

“The perspiration exuding from exertion of practice should be rubbed into the body (and not wiped), as by so doing the body becomes strong.” Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Chapter 2 verse 13 Sweat is important product of vinyasa (breathing and movement system) and during the practice when we combine asanas with the breath and the movement…

Inspiring quotes from B.K.S. Iyengar

Dear friends! Here are some Inspiring quotes from B.K.S. Iyengar. He founded the style of yoga known as Iyengar Yoga which now benefits millions of practitioners around the globe. He dedicated his life to the yoga practice and to teaching others how to make use of yoga in their lives. Enjoy reading beautiful quotes and may…